How to manage your emotions after being made redundant
Jenny Miller • Feb 19, 2023

Experiencing a redundancy can be a deeply personal and emotionally challenging experience that can significantly impact your mental health. It can involve multiple blows such as the loss of income, status, daily routine, social support, self-esteem, and identity. Moreover, the inherent uncertainty of figuring out your next career move can add to the problem. On top of this, many organisations fail to communicate their downsizing plans with the necessary care and respect for their employees.


To cope with the tremendous stress and pressure of a redundancy without taking it personally, try these four strategies:


Name your feelings


When faced with a stressful or threatening situation, it's common to engage in unhelpful responses such as self-blame, rumination, or catastrophizing. Instead, identify and name your feelings using neutral language, put things into perspective, focus on the positive, and make a plan.


Naming your emotions can create a sense of distance between you and the feeling, helping you feel more composed. As your stress levels decrease, the part of your brain involved in the "fight-flight-freeze" response, gives you room to formulate a more thoughtful reaction.

So, take some time to recognise and acknowledge what has happened, reflect on your loss, and identify your specific emotions, which may include anxiety, anger, stress, shame, embarrassment, or grief. It's natural to experience typical reactions to grief, such as denial, anger, or depression, after being laid off, as grieving is an essential part of healing from any loss.


Ask colleagues to reflect on your strengths


Following a job loss, you may find yourself overly fixated on your weaknesses. However, it's crucial to be aware of your strengths when looking for your next career opportunity. To gain a clearer understanding of your capabilities, consider reaching out to former colleagues and asking them the following questions:


When you saw me at my best, what was I doing?

What was meaningful to you about this experience?

What impact did I have?

What strengths did you notice?

Once you have received their responses, categorise them by themes, such as teamwork, integrity, resilience, or curiosity. Finally, create a description of yourself that summarises the information. This exercise can help you not only identify your strengths but also develop a practical plan to leverage them during your job search.


Prioritise your next steps


Although a job loss can shake your confidence, it's crucial to move past any self-doubt and take action to pursue your career goals. To begin, set a professional objective and persevere through any obstacles that arise, which can help you regain confidence in your abilities.


The first step is to commit to taking action that supports your career aspirations. This could involve tasks such as documenting your achievements, updating your resume, soliciting feedback from trusted colleagues, and strategically reaching out to network contacts who can provide insights on potential career paths. Consider taking courses or certifications to develop new skills. Revise your LinkedIn profile and create a list of target companies to explore or enlist the help of a recruitment agency.


Prioritising these next steps will help you make progress towards your career goals and remind you of your abilities, strengthening your confidence as you move forward.


Shift your perspective


Experiencing a redundancy can feel personal, but it's essential to shift your perspective to move forward. Dwelling on the emotions associated with a job loss can prevent you from creating the mental and emotional space necessary to explore new opportunities and forge a new identity in your career.


Instead of allowing the redundancy to hold you back, view it as a chance to unlock new avenues for growth. A layoff can be a catalyst for personal development and a chance to move towards a more purposeful, joyful, and fulfilling career.


Adopting this mindset can transform a job loss into an opportunity to take positive steps towards your goals. It may provide the courage and motivation to pursue options that you might not have previously considered. By shifting your perspective, you can find the silver lining in this difficult experience and move forward with a sense of purpose and determination.


It’s essential to recognise that many redundancies are not personal and are instead the result of larger organisational changes.

To stay focused on the future and move past negative emotions, it can be helpful to surround yourself with positive people and reflect on the obstacles you've overcome in the past. Remembering your past achievements and building your confidence can help you approach your job search with a positive and determined mindset. This positive attitude will be evident to potential employers and can increase your chances of landing a new job. Rather than blaming yourself for the job loss, use this experience to grow and improve, and you may find yourself in an even better position than before.

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